This is a continuation of the
Process Intensifier - Optimization with CFD: Part 1 paper.
There are lots of results waiting for you to look at
and they will
allow you to come to your own conclusions. Compare them with our
conclusions! Look above under the Results banner. Click
on any of those links and learn more about that specific sub-topic. They
are in the order that we think they should be discussed, so if you skip directly
to RTD (Residence Time Distributions) or SRD (Shear Rate Distribution) you may
be missing some background information from the previous sections. But go
ahead. We will have plenty of links to back to those important spots.
If you want to go through this in order, there will be a link at the bottom
of each page bringing you to the text topic, or bringing you back to this spot
or the title page (just in case you get lost and don't know where you are
anymore). Topics at the same level are also listed in the navigational
links at the bottom of each page. Sub-topics of any topic are always found
under the banners at Post Mixing.
Continue with Power Number Results
Go back to Title Page