All the terms, variables, constants and parameters found at Post Mixing. Some
of the cells are colored and the colors are descriptive of items in
mixing programs. The biggest problem in mixing is communication. Many people miss the point because they are using a different nomenclature or jargon.
Important Notice |
The Nomenclature Pages include Greek symbols. These are not a part of
the basic ASCII set for HTML. Some browsers, including Netscape 7.02,
will not be able to display these properly or at all. It works great on IE8 and FireFox 3.6.9. Let us know if you are having troubles seeing the symbols. |
Graphical view of some of the geometrical terms and parameters as seen from a
side view. Includes a side-view sketch of a tank with the most common
parameters. Please note, this is not working properly at the moment.
Graphical view of some of the geometrical terms and parameters as seen from a
top view.
- This page is planned. It is not available yet.
- Will include a top-view sketch of a tank with the most common parameters.